News Archive
Rik becomes the new Editor-in-chief of the Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry.
The latest work from Martina is in Angew. Chem., working with Marina Petrukhina!
Welcome to new undergraduate student Yanwen Yang! She is working on her CHEM 401 project.
Welcome to new graduate students David Cameron (from Sara Eisler’s group at UNB), Matthew Johnson (from Yumin Zhao’s group at MUN), and Yuxan Hou (from Central South University in China).
Cool porphyrins from Vroni, Gao, and Norbert are in Angew. Chem., working together with Norbert Jux at FAU!
Awesome studies of intermolecular singlet fission in our pentacene derivatives!
Check out the podcast interview featuring RRT at the Pi3 Conference in Oxford.
Marco & Parisa’s paper on FRET for singlet fission.
Get the full paper here.
Marco’s work on pentacenes DSSCs using singlet fission.
Get the full paper here.
Martina’s isomerization paper. Rotational barriers as low as 11 kcal/mol!
Get the full paper here.